There are basically two types of people in the world.
First, there are the vast majority of human beings who both
Plato and Nietzsche refer to as “the herd,” because they live out their lives
like glorified cattle. These sorts seek
pleasure at every turn and avoid discomfort at all cost. They dress well, look cute, live in tastefully
furnished homes in the right sorts of neighborhoods, and sincerely enjoy the
company of their equally shallow family and friends. They love their gods—but not so much that their
devotion gets in the way of their pleasure-seeking—and they are convinced that
they are good men and women who will be deservedly rewarded after death.
The herd listens only to the most popular music, reads only
the most popular books, and assents to only the most popular ideas. Because members of the herd are completely
unreflective, they have no original ideas of their own and instead parrot
whatever truths and ideals are fashionable at any given moment. They are detestable because they are so
smugly satisfied with their lives that they couldn’t imagine living any other
way than they do. And when they die,
even their corpses look and smell great.
The herd is all around us.
Its members are omnipresent, like roaches, scurrying to and fro, buying,
consuming, gorging themselves, fucking, shitting, and spawning future
generations of fat, self-satisfied morons like themselves.
Although most members of the species Homo sapiens
belong to the herd, there is another type of human being that is far more
rare. This type goes by the name “underground
man”—to use Dostoyevsky’s terminology.
Unlike the common rung of humanity, underground men (or women) are
characterized by a heightened sense of self-conscious awareness. They understand their own human motivations,
and, because of this, they know that they are shits—weak selfish, vain, petty,
and immoral. But they also know that all
human beings are shits. The only
difference is that underground men are AWARE of just how loathsome and
despicable they are, even if they lack the will or the courage to do anything
constructive about this fact.
It might not seem like much to recognize one’s own limitations,
but in fact, such self-conscious awareness is precisely what separates real men
from beasts. An underground man may be
just as morally corrupt as a member of the herd, but at least he KNOWS that he
is corrupt. And this knowledge offers
some slim chance at redemption, even if an underground man never chooses to
take advantage of it.
Whereas members of the herd are typically filled with smug self-satisfaction,
underground men are always characterized by their fundamental contempt—contempt
for themselves, to be sure, but even more so for members of the odious herd. Jesus admonishes his followers to love others
as they love themselves. But underground
men are filled with such self-loathing that it is impossible for them to feel
anything other than pure, unadulterated disgust for all of humanity.
I know what you’re thinking: It sounds a bit pathetic to
spend ones time snidely bitching about the foibles of ones fellow human
beings. It is petty, to be sure, but
underground men don’t really have much of a choice. If they could just zone out from reality the
way members of the herd do, they might be capable of some degree of compassion,
or at least tolerance. But the
heightened self-consciousness that underground men possess makes it impossible
to ignore the gross stupidity and immorality of their fellow human beings.
Perhaps you think that such a wholesale condemnation of
humanity is too harsh—that human beings really aren’t as vulgar and shallow as an
underground man believes them to be. In
fact, they are much worse. The very
attitude of smug self-satisfaction that characterizes a herd mentality is
responsible for all of the evils that we experience as inhabitants of this
fragile world. The herd needs to live in
complete comfort, so we have endless wars to secure the natural
resources—fossil fuels in particular—needed to ensure their comfort. The herd plunders the planet’s natural
resources, spews tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, and renders the planet
inhospitable for future generations. But
does anyone really care about this? Of
course not! That kind of realization
would get in the way of all the fun we are supposed to be having; it would
inject a note of reality into the sublime fantasy in which all members of the
herd desire to live. An attitude of
unmitigated contempt is the very least that one should have for a species so
unenlightened, so selfish, so cruel that it would subject its own future
generations to a harsh struggle for survival in a world debased by human
Underground men are no better than their counterparts in the
herd, but, as I have said, at least they recognize their own hypocrisy and
weakness. They hate themselves for it,
and as a result are endlessly conflicted and tortured. The suffering that comes from authentic
self-awareness, however, at least offers the slim chance of redemption. When despair becomes horrific enough,
underground men will either be forced to take decisive action to change their
condition in life or be forced to terminate their own lives. The despair that comes from self-awareness,
I’m afraid, offers no other options for those who have the fortune—or
misfortune, depending upon how you look at it—to reside in the underground.
Even in death, however, the underground man is superior in
every way to a member of the herd. The
total lack of self-consciousness possessed by members of the herd may seem like
a blessing, but in fact it is the ultimate curse. There is no escaping death. And when death comes to one who has lived his
life completely immersed in the pleasures of the world, you can be well assured
it will be a horrific death indeed.
If one has a choice, then, one ought to choose the
underground every time over the lush grazing fields of the herd, despite the
suffering that comes from dwelling in the underground. But, if you are able to read this, you’ve
probably already chosen. And more likely
than not, you’ve chosen to belong to the herd.
I would tell you how sorry I am that you’ve made such an
unenlightened choice, but you probably wouldn’t understand what I’m talking
about anyway. That, after all, is
precisely what it means to belong to the herd.